Liebster Blog Award!

Hey Lovelies! 
Today’s post is a little different, I want to thank the gorge Amy from has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award to get to know other bloggers ✨ 
The rules are as follows: 
* Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog 

* Display the award on your Blog

* Answer the questions provided by the person who nominated you on your blog 

* Provide 11 facts about yourself

* Nominate other new blogs who you think deserve the award and want to be recognised 

* Create a new list of questions for those bloggers to answer and inform them that they have been nominated

With all of these rules in mind, here goes! 
1. What’s your favourite makeup product that you’ve used so far this year?- I have to say Benefits “Girl Meets Pearl” here… I just love how luminous and gorgeous my skin feels when I mix it with my foundation, perfect for the spring/ summer! 
2. Why did you start your blog?- I’ve been interested in makeup/ beauty for such a long time and I wanted to share some of my opinions, tips and tricks with all of you lovelies!

3. What’s your favourite quote?- “Aim for the moon and even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars” ✨

4. Do you have any guilty pleasures?- I am a little ashamed to say that listening to One Direction and The Vamps is my guilty pleasure (don’t judge me!!) 

5. Who are your 3 favourite bloggers?- I have so many bloggers that I love, I couldn’t possibly narrow it down! My 3 favourite makeup people are Nicole Guerriero, Carli Bybel and Amrezy though!

6. What’s your favourite type of blog post to read?- anything to do with beauty/ makeup!

7. What is your favourite location to visit?- I absolutely adore Florida, I would love to live there!

8. Do you blog full time? If not, do you want to in the future?- I do not blog full time at the minute- I also have a part time job and I’m a uni student! But I would absolutely love to blog full time in the future #dreamjob !! 

Now 11 facts about me! 
1. My middle name is Louise 

2. I’m 5″3 and a half 

3. The half ⬆️ makes all the difference, in my opinion 

4. My star sign is Aries

5. I’m from Liverpool

6. I’m struggling to think of 11 facts about me!

7. I love reading Romance Novels

8. “The Inn Boonsboro” trilogy by Nora Roberts are my favourite books

9. When I first started blogging, I didn’t use my real name because I worried people would laugh at me 🙈

10. I could live off of chocolate 🍫 

11. I have an unfortunate shopping addiction!
I hope you have all enjoyed reading a little bit about me! I would like to nominate the following people for this award: 

1. Francesca-

2. Stevie-

3. Hannah-

4. Marianna-

And I would like you to answer these questions! 
1. What’s your fave thing about blogging?

2. What’s your fave thing about the blogging community?

3. What’s your fave beauty tip?

4. When did you start blogging/ why?

5. Who is your biggest beauty inspiration/ why? 

I hope you have all enjoyed this lil’ (extra long!) blog post! 
Thank you so much for reading 


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