The New Bloggers UK Tag! 

Hey Lovelies! 
Today’s blog post is a lil’ collab with the girlies over at NewBloggersUk on Instagram. They’re a new account that provide a communication platform for beauty, fashion and lifestyle bloggers so that we can get to know one another and share our blogs and ideas. To kickstart their account they have come up with a lil’ 10 questions tag, so here goes!
1. What is your fave brand and why?- My all time favourite brand is definitely NARS! I find them instantly appealing because of their beautiful packaging but I can honestly never say I’ve been disappointed with a product from them! They’re a little pricey but 100% worth it.
2. Why do you wear makeup & what does it do for you?- I wear makeup because I love the way it makes me feel! Don’t get me wrong, I can go days without wearing any but for me, makeup provides a means to express myself and it helps me feel confident! 

3. How would you describe your personal style?- it depends on the day 😂 No, I’m only kidding! I love a good checked shirt/ skinny jeans combo but I’d have to say that my personal style is quite glam!

4. What is your favourite beauty product for under £10?- For under £10 it has to be Gerard Cosmetics Hydra Matte liquid lipsticks! They’re £9.50 and one of the best formulas I’ve ever used! 

5. Who is your biggest blog inspiration?- My biggest blog inspiration is definitely Nicole Guerriero. I know she’s a youtuber not a blogger but I love her style and her general attitude towards life, she’s so fab! 

6. What’s one makeup product you can’t live without?- I 100% could not live without lipstick! I love how there’s a shade for every occasion and how your lipstick can completely change your look! 

7. What’s one makeup product you can live without?- I love all makeup but I could probably live without blusher. Don’t get me wrong I love a good blush but at the minute I’m all about that bronzy look!

8. What is the one beauty tip you swear by?- I literally cannot do my eyeshadow without using tape now. It’s such a basic tip but it’s so effective and I love it!

9. What is your favourite thing about blogging?- I have to say that my favourite thing about blogging has been meeting new people within the blogger community! It’s been so lovely to get to know an amazing bunch of fellow blogging girlies!

10. What advice would you give to other bloggers/ aspiring bloggers?- To aspiring bloggers I would say that if you’re considering doing a blog, just go for it! I messed around loads before I started my blog because I was worried the people would think it was stupid, but now I don’t even know why I worried! To all bloggers, the best advice I can give is to get involved with the blogging community as much as you can. I’ve met some amazing blogging girlies and it’s fab to know that you have people to talk to when you’re stuck in a blog- rut!

I hope you have enjoyed reading, I am going to tag Francesca ( and Hannah ( to answer these questions! And remember if you’re a blogger to go follow @newbloggersuk on Instagram!
Thank you so much for reading!


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